CB Property Sales
Sell your property Sell your property

Sell your property

If you want to Sell

CB Property Sales offer their vendors various commission packages and ensure that they are fully informed about the documentation requirements, taxes and selling costs. We work with the MLS members and collaborate with a network of agencies, both local and overseas, we collectively publish our vendors properties on the major property portals and we are very active on social media platforms, giving our vendors property the very best market exposure. After successful negotiation we guide our vendors through the selling process, with the help of our lawyers we ensure that they have all the correct documentation so that the completion at the notary will be straight forward and they will receive their final payment – job done! 


CB Property Sales are proud to be members of the MLS, we willingly adhere to their strict code of conduct and benefit from being constantly updated about the Spanish property market laws, rules and regulations.

About you
About your property
Responsable del tratamiento: CB Property Sales, Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión y control de los servicios ofrecidos a través de la página Web de Servicios inmobiliarios, Envío de información a traves de newsletter y otros, Legitimación: Por consentimiento, Destinatarios: No se cederan los datos, salvo para elaborar contabilidad, Derechos de las personas interesadas: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, solicitar la portabilidad de los mismos, oponerse altratamiento y solicitar la limitación de éste, Procedencia de los datos: El Propio interesado, Información Adicional: Puede consultarse la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos Aquí.